The Guide to Curb Appeal. Yard Edition.

Choosing your Look.

The first step to maintaining your yard and increasing your curb appeal is to plan out what you want your yard to look like. You can start by choosing a style and theme that fits your home and neighborhood. You also need to consider the type of maintenance required for each type of landscaping.

Colonial: This style is a traditional approach that uses brick walkways and formal gardens. Think Friendswood.

Formal: Similar to colonial, this style is more ornate with flower beds and shrubbery. Think Pearland.

Casual: This is a more relaxed approach to landscaping that uses wooden fences, stone pathways and native plants. Think Dickinson.

Mediterranean/Tuscan: This style uses warm colors like reds and browns with Mediterranean architecture. Think South Shore in League City.

The next step is deciding what plants and flowers you want to use. After that, you can start planning where each plant will go and how much space it will need. Organization is the key to success, so don’t skimp on the first step!

Maintaining your Style.

The next step in lawn care is mowing.

An ideal front lawn is well maintained, so whether you do it yourself or pay for a service, don’t neglect the lawn! Mowing is the simplest and most effective way to maintain a high value look.

Once you’ve mowed your yard, it’s usually a good idea to fertilize so the grass can grow better. Next, you need to remove all weeds from your yard—this will keep them from taking over when you’re not looking!

Grass thatch can cause problems with water flow through the soil, so it should be raked or removed every couple of months (or more often if needed). Trimming your trees to insure proper sunlight is also very important.

Finally, you’ll want to aerate your lawn. This helps it breathe and allows water and nutrients to get down into the soil where they can do the most good for your grass. Watering makes sure your grass gets enough moisture and doesn’t dry out during hot spells, keeping your yard looking good year round.

Adding the Final Touches.

And, finally. The trees.

Trees are always one of the main highlights of your yard, so don’t forget about them! Pruning shrubs and trees makes them healthier by removing dead branches or leaves that are blocking sunlight from reaching new growth below.

Keeping your bushes’ and trees trimmed properly is also one of the best ways to keep the pests away. Trimming can also help prevent disease or insect infestations because they won’t have enough room on these plants’ surfaces for their populations to thrive in large numbers.

Remember, its always best to leave the big tree work to the professionals. Get a FREE QUOTE TODAY!

Taking care of a yard is very important to ensure it stays healthy and beautiful. You can make your yard look great and keep your home value high by simply following these tips.

Root Branch N’All has been proudly keeping Houston neighborhoods looking great for over 3 decades. Give Us a Call or Drop Us a Line Today!


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